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Organized Solutions: Making Your House Shiny As a Penny

Updated: May 18, 2021

Do you ever scroll through Instagram feeling so inspired to organize your home? Yet somehow, it never happens! We set the phone down, feel overwhelmed and then put it off for later. The fact is, so many women/homemakers feel this way! We tend to feel like there are no organized solutions to creating and maintaining a clean living environment.

Well, let me tell you the truth, there is no such thing as a perfectly clean home! No matter what you hear or see through media, it is not plausible to do so. Whether you have young kids, a busy schedule, or other things going on, life is not perfect 100% of the time.

Now that I have dispelled that myth, let me tell you something else! There ARE organized solutions to keeping a tidy house. Notice that I didn't say perfectly clean, but TIDY. I am so excited to have you join with me on this journey of making your home Shiny As a Penny. This blog is going to offer so many different solutions and tips that will help you on your journey to creating a clean space that you LOVE.

What organized solutions can I expect to find?

For the first few weeks I will introduce to you different ways of cleaning/organizing and how to schedule them. Following that, each week a new blog post will be created based on different parts of the house and tricks that will help you as you clean them.

You can expect:

  • Tricks for aesthetic organization

  • Tips on deep cleaning specific areas

  • Product recommendations and ideas

  • and of course...a home that stays Shiny As a Penny!

If you haven't had a chance to check out our mission and who we are, click here!

Organized Home, Shiny As a Penny

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