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The Tried and True Way to Clean Your Kitchen Sink

Updated: Jun 7, 2021

How many of you have fallen culprits to the trending TikTok videos that give cleaning tips? I sure have, and let me tell you, not ONE of them has worked! I recently saw a video sharing how to clean the kitchen turned out a disaster and I was scrubbing crusted baking soda from every nook and cranny of the sink for days. But Mama, have no fear, I present to you THE tried and true way to clean your kitchen sink.

Trust me on this one, I have done everything from the dish soap and baking soda trick to the all purpose cleaner scrub, vinegar and soap, and all of the in-betweens. I can assure you that this trick is the magic cleaner. Plus, it uses natural chemicals, so if that's your thing then this is a plus too!

Scrub that Gunk

First things first, you will want to scrub the crusties, grime and other gunk that are sitting in the sink...gotta love that old food, am I right?! My tip for this is to use a scrubbing brush or a sponge. Hint: keep two scrubbing brushes in your cabinet at all times. That way you can have one for scrubbing dishes, and one for cleaning the gross things out of the sink.

Clean the Drains

The worst thing that could happen to you when trying to clean the kitchen is finishing and realizing there is a stench coming from the drain. No one wants to clean their whole sink again! The key is to clean out the drains before you clean the rest of the sink.

Now I know I mentioned earlier how much I hated cleaning out baking soda from the sink, so with this next step please remember: DO NOT put baking soda anywhere other than the drain holes. Trust me, it will be a complete mess if you don't follow this step.

However, the best way to get rid of smelly old food is the baking soda and white vinegar reaction. So you will want to do just that: pour a little baking soda in each drain, and then follow that with some vinegar. Let it soak for 3-5 mins.

Wash that Sink!

So you got rid of the gunk, and the smell in the it is time to wash out the sink itself. You will want to use an old rag and some vinegar to wipe any spots that are especially dirty or noticeable. After that, the trick is just a little dish soap! I prefer the Dawn dish-soap, because I love the smell it leaves afterward, however any dish soap will do.

Take the soap and sprinkle a little bit all over the sink and faucet. Be careful not to do too much or else you will find yourself cleaning suds for hours.

Get a wet sponge and wipe the soap all around the sink, scrubbing it well. Rinse with warm water and ta-da, you will have yourself the shiniest, clean sink around.

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